Tableland Region Art Society (TRAS) – Art Sessions

Rooms 15-16, Atherton Community Centre (Old Primary School) Rooms 15-16, Atherton Community Centre (Old Primary School), 42 Mabel Stt, Atherton

TRAS holds weekly art sessions where the community can get together, learn & be creative. We welcome you to join us! 1st Wednesday of the month: Our Monthly General Meeting...


Scottish Country Dancing

St Joseph Church Hall Jack Street, Atherton

Scottish Country Dancing. No partner is required. Suitable for beginners or experienced dancers. Contact: Kylie 0417007432 Wednesday in Atherton, at St Joseph Church Hall. Thursday in Mareeba at Spanish Club.


Ballroom Dancing

Merrilands Hall @ Robert St, Atherton, Qld, 4883, Australia Merrilands Hall @ Robert St, Atherton, Qld, 4883, Australia

Recreational Sequence Partnered Dancing (Ballroom) every 2nd Wednesday, 6:30pm Merriland Hall Atherton Great fun and exercise. BYO supper at 9pm. Phone 0427 4169 22  or Text 0487 947 513
