Come and have fun, get fit and enjoy paddling on Lake Tinaroo with The Dam Outrigger Canoe Club. This sport caters for all ages and there is a strong membership from juniors all the way to Platinum paddlers (over 70), who enjoy social paddling.
The club is situated on Lake Tinaroo at Tinaburra, sharing club room with The Tableland Country Rowing Club. There are regular events including the yearly Regatta, which the club hosted on the 27th of March. This iconic event was greatly anticipated by clubs within the zone from Whitsunday to Torres Strait and had 300 paddlers in total.
The paddling was fast and furious with a carnival atmosphere on the waters of Tinaroo at Tinaburra. There was a strong contingent of juniors paddling in U19/16 and 14 divisions. The Dam had 6 junior competitors who all won medals, other juniors were from Coconuts at Innisfail. It is encouraging to see so many Junior’s enjoying and growing the sport. There were also some Platinum paddlers (over 70) who held their own with much younger competitors.
The club was recently successful in attracting a grant from the Emerald Creek Windfarm, which was used to purchase a new V1 canoe and 6 paddles. It is tradition to bless canoes and paddles before they are used and the Regatta was the perfect opportunity for this to happen. The blessing was performed by Maia Pokia a traditional South Sea woman, with a Welcome to Country also acknowledged. The culture of Outrigger Canoeing started in the Pacific from Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, to New Zealand. Many of the traditions of respect for the sea and canoe still exist in the sport today.
Please come and try this terrific water sport on beautiful Lake Tinaroo in a perfect environment. The club welcomes beginners and new paddlers, instruction and coaching will be available. Training times are Monday and Thursday afternoons at 5.15pm and Saturday mornings at 7am. Contact the club president 0409 770 305 for more details or connect with the club on Facebook.