Editor’s Note November 2022

I (Kristina) can be a bit of a Christmas scrooge at times – feeling turned off by the consumerism of the holiday with gift giving for the sake of giving gifts instead of finding something a person would truly enjoy, and the over the top eating. But since taking on this magazine, and having little ones to experience the holiday with, I am starting to come around!

I have discovered the importance of the holiday season for many of our shop owners, and the beauty of the holiday season for bringing family together. I enjoy watching the towns come alive with Christmas events and I believe that Christmas can be an opportunity to support our local business community to thrive. So, with this is mind, this issue is mostly dedicated to shopping locally! Readers will find articles and advertisements within to inspire the greatest of gifts, from the front cover feature, Malanda Christmas Street Markets (looking lovely ladies!) to the back cover’s WildCard Pass from Hartley’s. Investing in advertising can be a big thing for some smaller businesses, so please make sure you let them know if you saw their ad in What’s On.
We hope you enjoy this issue of
What’s On!
The Harens
(Kristina, Graham, William & Scarlet)