Yumm!! Look at the delicious goodies from Coffee Works on this month’s front cover. The chocolatiers never cease to amaze us with their clever designs that taste as good as they look. Thank you to Kaddiesha from Denim & Lace Photography for this beautiful cover photo.
This month is our first garden themed issue and we are overjoyed with the many contributions we have received. There is something for everyone here with articles about gardens to explore, growing your own garden, and gardening with kids. Garden lovers can enter our contest to win a $100 voucher from Lakeside Nursery. Enter on the home page!
Another first this month is our new Business Directory which appears alongside the What’s Happening community listings. The businesses in this section support the listings to continue to be printed so please support them, and let them know you found them in What’s On! Business owners can get amongst it with more spots available in this new section in future issues.
We hope you enjoy this issue of What’s On!
The Harens
Kristina, Graham, William & Scarlet