Editor’s Note July/Aug 2020

Welcome to the second “Special COVID-19 issue, Tablelands Unite”. With current restrictions continuing to change moment by moment it has been challenging to offer readers reliable information. We ask that you check with local operators before attending to avoid disapointment, as some businesses may have a change between the time of print and when the magazine actually reaches your hands. We will try to keep our Facebook page (whatsontablelands) and website as up to date as possible so we can continue to provide you with accurate information.
This issue we have a strong focus on local tourism. Although Queensland has opened up, we encourage readers to explore locally and continue to support our local businesses as they open their doors. Remember to be kind to our business owners as they attempt to navigate the restrictions placed on them.
This issue, is another bumper issue with the next one being September. We will reassess our printing plans before then. However, we are happy to continue to bring a quality locally owned, printed publication to the Tablelands. Thank you to all our readers and businesses who continue to make this possible. As always, we hope you enjoy What’s On!
The Harens
(Kristina, Graham & William)