Welcome to the first issue of 2023! We hope that everyone has had a chance to pause, reflect and re-charge, ready for the New Year. At What’s On we have been busy bees, planning our features for the year and sourcing great content. With this in mind, we are putting a call out for any adventurers, gardeners, or creatives with a passion for writing to contact us for details.
This issue we have a community focus with features from some of our local community groups and businesses, and our annual Sports & Recreation Guide. We hope that the content of these pages inspires our readers to connect with their community this year through engaging in something they enjoy.
A big thank you to Lauren Channells Photography and the team at Explore Property for this cover feature. With real estate and rentals being a hot topic now, it is great to see a local agency bring a fresh new brand to the Tablelands.
We hope you enjoy this issue of What’s On!
The Harens
(Kristina, Graham, William & Scarlet)