Editor’s Note December 2023
Congratulations to our cover stars Anna and Stuart from Winter & Mann. They opened their beautiful shop in Yungaburra earlier this year and it is absolutely thriving! Read more about them on page 5.
The silly season is upon us and hopefully our readers are enjoying some delicious holiday time. There’s plenty to see and do – check out our Where to Go Map feature for ideas galore! A great reminder of what is available right here in our own backyard.
This issue marks our five-year anniversary as editors of this magazine and what a journey it has been! We have thoroughly enjoyed all the connections we have made across the Tablelands and watching this magazine grow alongside our local business community. And my how we have grown! We are now printing 8,000 copies and our online presence is steadily growing as well. A big, big thank you to all our readers, writers, advertisers, and our quiet administrative assistants who make all that we do possible.
We hope you enjoy this issue of What’s On!
The Harens
Kristina, Graham, William & Scarlet